Sunday, December 27, 2009

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code” - Linus Torvalds

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just because some problem is not getting solved doesnt mean that you will escape from it by trying to do some other problem or take a coffee break or listen to mp3s or say "its not worth it". You got to syick to it. And every problem, in fact most of the real life problems, may not have a nice looking, elegant, ideal, textbook solution. You have to accept that. But stick to it. Don't give up. BELIEVE that it can be done in many different ways. Dont pass 'expert' opinion "This cant be done this way" without actually going through it. Suspend judgements. Explore new things. It may not be looking great at first. But great problems are not solved in one day. In fact its defined in that manner. So you have to work hard to refine your ideas. Maybe a THOUSAND times. You may one day come up with a whole new lot of things and ideas about solving so called 'small' problems. Schemes/Diagrams/Visualizations which nobody ever imagined.

Work hard everyday. Rediscover things. Dont try to take credit for a great code you wrote one year back. Do great things everyday. Because you can. But plan it properly. Every great thing starts with a great plan first.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

my eldest grandma (baroma) is dead. baba called to give the news. it struck me that a whole life is gone with all its experience, its own small world, its memory ... yudhisthir answered it right..this is the strangest difficult to believe that we also will go out one day..

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Petersen Graph

Testing Latex

Just checking some latex here..hope you can see some maths here...